i got alotttttttttt to blog about! but soo lazy:Xthe day before went china,had netball tournament..met with the others for pre-match lunch(:

china was great! haha i think its super fun to go overseas with a bunch of friends(:
china people are really friendly and this trip changed my opinion of them
the school i went to:tie yi zhong they are super friendly and welcoming
and my buddy's family also very nice they bought us pajamas!
haha very cute one is all red and look like qipao:P
then went to beijing is even colder!
the scenery we saw in china is really beautiful!!
esp the palace and the great wall
here are some of the photos(:
da monkey
my buddy! she's a year younger than me(:
if you can see our faces:P
beautiful scenery
me and belle in the tour bus
the teracotta warriors! van and me!(:

the toilet.. ><
haha when going to sleep le
woooooooooooooooooooohan elijah lookalike!:X